DIVINE HEALING answered prayers Mp3 - A "Prayer Journey" for all faiths

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DIVINE HEALING answered prayers Mp3 - A "Prayer Journey" for all faiths


A powerful "Prayer Journey" to present and receive a personal request from the highest universal order.

This body of work is non-denominational, please apply your own spiritual beliefs.

Set your intention and purpose of that intention, then follow the guidance with awareness and full attention. 

Requests may be made on a mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual issue only for oneself, not on behalf of another.

IMPORTANT: This "Prayer Journey" is not a replacement for medical care, please see a doctor for all medical needs.

Using a stereo headset is suggested for a full spectrum and effect of the vocal and instrumental sounds.

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Dear Circle of Light,

May this complimentary meditation support and comfort you during this time of great change on Earth.

With blessings and peace,

Annabel Joy Wyndham